A healt­hy smi­le is important for your phy­si­cal well-being and self-confidence.

The dental clinic

for the whole family

Wel­co­me to den­tist Ser­pil Hart­fiel and her team!

We repre­sent modern den­ti­stry in Prenz­lau­er Berg, Ber­lin, and offer you and your fami­ly the latest tre­at­ments for opti­mal oral health. We attach par­ti­cu­lar importance to a plea­sant atmo­sphe­re in which you can feel com­ple­te­ly at ease.

We are cen­tral­ly loca­ted in Berlin’s Prenz­lau­er Berg and are easy to reach by public trans­port (U2, Ebers­wal­der Stra­ße). Visit us at Koll­witz­stra­ße 77 to find out more about our com­mit­ment to your health and well-being.

Make an appoint­ment online now. We look for­ward to your visit!

Our services

We offer modern den­ti­stry at the hig­hest level. Pain-free and at the cut­ting edge of science.

Restorative therapy (dentistry)

Dental prostheses & implantology 

Endodontics (root canal treatment) 

Periodontal therapy (gum treatment) 

Family-friendly, modern and personal

Online appointments 

Visit the doc­to­lib por­tal at any time to make an appoint­ment at our den­tal cli­nic.

In-house dental laboratory 

We have the hig­hest stan­dards for your den­tal tre­at­ment and all our den­tal pro­s­the­ses, which we pro­du­ce in our own labo­ra­to­ry. The per­fect inter­ac­tion bet­ween den­ti­stry and den­tal tech­no­lo­gy is key to ensu­ring that our pati­ents are com­ple­te­ly satis­fied with their treatment.

We gua­ran­tee con­sis­t­ent­ly high qua­li­ty thanks to our in-house den­tal labo­ra­to­ry and tech­ni­ci­ans. Our in-house lab also allows us to car­ry out con­stant qua­li­ty con­trols. We aim to offer you the per­fect treatment.

Our crowns, par­ti­al crowns, veneers and inlays are all pro­fes­sio­nal­ly and digi­tal­ly finis­hed for an opti­mal fit and a per­so­nal aesthetic.

Your dentists in the Kollwitz district of Prenzlauer Berg